Vulnerabilities in Possible Future Technology
While in Vancouver for USENIX '17, I was able to attend HOTSEC '17, a co-located workshop. The workshop was set up in a way that for each security topic, there was a series of short lightning talks, and then after each series of talks, some time to discuss the presentations with the authors and other participants. The lightning talks and discussions really lent themselves to giving me a lot to think about in regards to security. One topic I found interesting is the future of ocular implants. The reason I found it interesting is because it relates back to what our lab does. Ghost Talk, for example, shows an attack on pacemakers, a biomedical implant often used today in those that need it. It also showed that a microphone could be attacked with EMI. "WALNUT: Waging Doubt on the Integrity of MEMS Accelerometers with Acoustic Injection Attacks" is another paper that shows the vulnerability of MEMS accelerometers against acoustic attacks. If current sensors already have vu...